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"The Complex Systems"(Rus)

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The Complex systems no. 4 (29) 2018

Basic researches
Magnitskii N.A.
Abstract. The paper considers ether as a dense compressible inviscid oscillating medium in three-dimensional Euclidean space, given at each instant by the velocity vector of the density perturbations propagation and satisfying the continuity equation and the ether momentum conservation law. It is shown that a generalized nonlinear system of Maxwell-Lorentz equations that is invariant under Galileo transformations is derived from the ether system of equations, the linearization of which leads to the classical system of Maxwell-Lorentz equations; laws of Bio-Savar-Laplace, Ampere, Coulomb; representations for Planck's and fine structure constants; formulas for the electron, proton and neutron in the form of wave solutions of the system of ether equations, for which the calculated values ​​of their internal energies, masses and magnetic moments coincide, with an accuracy to fractions of a percent, with their experimental values, anomalous from the point of view of modern science. The concept of the ethereal theory of the atom and the atomic nucleus is presented, which makes it possible to answer many actual questions about the structure of atom, which modern science is unable to answer.

Keywords: compressible oscillating ether, laws and equations of electrodynamics, proton, electron, neutron, hydrogen atom, theory of the atomic nucleus.

New ideas, approaches
Smirnov V.L.
Abstract. Based on the structural considerations, the formation and evolution of the spatiotemporal characteristics of Phobos and Deimos – the moons of Mars – are analyzed. These elements are considered as a separate system, which includes the Sun and the Earth. The analysis is based on the concept of self-organization and its two representations – the proto-structure and the order parameter. The structure is interpreted as a set of relations on the numerical axis and is understood as a network of nodes (the allowed states and connections) of the rules accompanying them. The proto-structure is intended to be the original variant order; it is a cyclic sequence of nodes capable of deploying from stage to stage. The order parameter combines the characteristics subordinate to it, which, like the parameter itself, are initially set by the proto-structure. The evolution of the order parameter is accompanied by the appearance of scale factors responsible connecting the main elements of the process and their satellites. The above-analyzed real-world system is represented as a complex self-organizing system having no specifics, where the process of evolution two satellites appear near one of the allowed states. In the presentation of the model the focus is shifted on the application. In the application, the order parameter is interpreted as the relative angular momentum in the Solar System, while the indicated coefficients act as masses. The identified stable virtual states (initial and final) are considered as a set of reference points to characterize the current state of the system.
The paper puts forward and substantiates a hypothesis that all the considered spatiotemporal characteristics of the moons of Mars depend on the Sun's burnout. The relations connecting the current mass of the Sun and the named characteristics are proposed. Model characteristics correspond to observational data on average within 0.07%.

Keywords: order parameter, self-organization, evolution, Phobos, Deimos, the Moon.

Experiments, opening, practice
Ivanov N.V.
Abstract. In this review application of neural networks (NN) in medicine is discussed. Basic principles of neural networks structure and functioning are presented. The fundamental importance of learning methods is underlined. New perspective directions of NN development is highlighted.

Key words: neural networks, learning, predictions, medical diagnostics.

Debatable aspects
Yuriev A.I., Nikulin V.A.
Abstract. The aim of the research is modeling the strength of natural selection on a population. In this context, “physical selection” (decrease in a form’s occurrence rate down to elimination) is considered to be the result of chaotic oscillations of the occurrence. The latter include 1) “stochastic physical selection” (recurrent extinction of a form due to random oscillations), which is predicted by the Goodman-Belovsky birth and death model, and 2) “directional physical selection” (gradual changes in the occurrence rate) described by the linear regression equation. The two models were verified using the data on the occurrence rates of different races within the macropopulation of stem rust (Puccinia graminis Pers. forma specialis tritici) in the United States. The extinction tolerance varied significantly (by a factor of hundreds) among the races which were present in the same population at the same time. Statistical lifespan expectations of the races were relatively equal to the observed lifespans only in case of small slope values of the linear regression. The prevalence of the “stochastic selection” over the “directional selection” in most races could be caused by instability of the anthropogenic environment of the stem rust populations.

Key words: quantitative genetics, natural selection, evolutionary process, model of microevolution, theory of evolution, temporal education, relative fitness, viability, adaptive value, Puccinia graminis Pers. forma specialis tritici.

The Complex systems no. 3 (28) 2018

Basic researches
Ivanov O.P., Dubinin E.P., Vinnik M.A.
Abstract. The analysis of the mechanisms of the occurrence of tectonic megacynamigenic earthquakes was carried out. It is shown that such earthquakes occur only in zones of oblique-slip lithospheric plates beneath island arcs. The hypocenters of the tectonic mega-tsunami are located near the deep-sea trenches strictly at the bottom front edge of the non-volcanic arc at depths of 20-40 km and, as a rule, in the area of the front edge of the emerging megablock. The oblique-slip creates conditions for the consolidation of the "keys" of the non-volcanic arc into a meso- or macroblock and promotes the development of extended zones of tectonic destruction. Happens upthrust-shift of these blocks in the form of prismatic mesoblock. A fault zone may extend over distances more than 1000 km of the Active dynamics within a prism fades and remains only at its ends. This allows us to offer a new tactics of forecasting such situations.

Keywords: lithospheric plates, oblique-slip, reset-shift, earthquake, megatsunami, hypocenter, magnitude.

New ideas, approaches
Smirnov V.L.
Abstract. A new method for determining masses of planets in the solar system is proposed. The method is based on structural representations without using the gravity. The emphasis is transferred from the specifics of natural objects to an abstract structure: a set of relations that is represented as a network of nodes representing the allowed states and the links between them that ensure sustainability. The method is based on the previously proposed model of the proto-structure supposed to be the primary general system of relations for various natural systems. Based on this, the order parameter n is formed, which controls two primary characteristics, r and T. We use relations that bring together the order parameter n, characteristics r and T, and scale factors m, responsible for the difference in elements of the system - sub-system pair, where the sub-system consists of satellites.
Structural considerations are applied to the solar system. The consideration was carried out on the assumption of a circular motion of the satellites in orbits. The relative angular momentum acts as n; it subordinates the distances r and satellites' orbital periods T while masses of planets and the Sun appear as scale factors of type m. For each planet, four satellites with minimal eccentricities were selected (for the Earth and Mars: 1 and 2). The space-time characteristics of these satellites are used to calculate first the order parameter n, and then - the masses of the planets; the mass of the Sun is assumed to be known. A total of 23 satellites were selected for the analysis, of which 6 have circular orbits. As a result, the masses are presented in relative units with the traditional normalization for the mass of the Earth. The results of determining the masses of the planets are compared both with each other and with known physical data. For seven planets the obtained mass values on average correspond to the known values within 0.8%. Excluding the satellites of Pluto brings this figure to 0.4%. In general, it is shown that the Sun, planets and satellites are a single network subject to common structural patterns.

Keywords: order parameter, planet masses, structures, level of symmetry principles.

Sherstyukov B.G.
Abstract. The climatic system is considered as an oscillatory system with its own frequencies. Under external influences, the oscillatory systems leave the equilibrium state and oscillations arise at their own frequencies. The frequencies of these oscillations are due only to the properties of the system itself.
Multiple repetitive even very weak, but resonant effects on a system with a period of its own oscillations can swing the system at its own frequencies to oscillation with a noticeable amplitude. The small magnitude of the repeated impacts of space on the climate system is not an obstacle to modulation in it of resonance oscillations and beats.
A hypothesis is proposed about the resonant nature of influence of space on the climate system: the repeated weak variables of the effects of cosmic factors on the Earth excite variations in the atmosphere and the ocean at their natural frequencies through the resonance mechanism, including resonances at commensurate frequencies. The resonance mechanism of the assimilation of cosmic impacts by the climate system is consistent with the resonant mechanism of interactions of all cosmic bodies in the solar system.
As a result of weak external cyclic influences on the Earth's envelopes (ocean and atmosphere), only those oscillations at their own frequencies are intensify that are in resonant relations with cyclic external influences. The weakness of external forces can be compensated for by their multy repeated resonant action. Resonant external action amplifies the fluctuations of each component of the climate system at its selected natural frequencies.
According to data of the ocean surface temperature, calendar features (seasonal intervals of the most frequent temperature anomalies) are observed which are considered as a result of the beats of the natural oscillations of the ocean surface temperature and oscillations caused by changes in the declination of the moon.

Key words: climate variations, climatic system, solar system, resonance, space, ocean surface temperature.

Debatable aspects
Nikitin A. P.
Abstract. This article presents the foundations of cosmodynamics - energy theory, which lays the foundation for a new paradigm of physical science, which allows to combine the modern theory of the microcosm and macrocosm. It is proposed to consider the motion of matter in space-time, i.e all of the changes and interactions, including gravity, taking place in the cosmos, not as a police cooperation body, charges, particles, fields, and displays the curvature of space-time, as well as displays and consequences of energy processes in the same cosmos. The measure of these processes is the energy of the cosmos, including the "dark matter" and "dark energy", with absolute power, equal to Planck's constant. Proposed movement of matter in space to consider (to describe, reflect in our minds) as the movement of energy, as the energy dynamics of the vector field, material and energy "cell" structure which is a proton. On the basis of the theory developed by the energy available energy interpretation of the hydrogen atom, and all of baryonic matter, for example, the Earth and the Sun, when the motion of matter occurs and thus describes a "drain" and "radiation" the energy flow vector material-energy field. Planck values are given in the dimensions LT system. It is alleged that the cosmic "relic" radiation is generated in the atoms existing baryonic matter and has nothing to do with the mythical "Big Bang".

Keywords: cosmos, cosmodinamika, energy theory, Cosmos energy power, energy interpretation of quantum mechanics, the energy of the universe, the Planck size, Planck's constant, the hydrogen atom, the CMB.

The Complex systems no. 2 (27) 2018

Basic researches
Bogolepova I.N, Malofeeva L.I.
Abstract. Postnatal ontogenesis of the human brain plays a big role in its development. The purpose of this study was to assess the morphometric parameters of the development of the human brain in different periods of postnatal ontogenesis. A study was made of the cortical formations of the human brain in postnatal ontogenesis, namely, the speech-motor fields 44 and 45, the field 24 of the limbic region of the cortex, the hippocampus. A continuous series of frontal sections of the human brain of a newborn child, children of 2 years of life, 7 years of life, 12 years of life and an adult was studied. Slices painted cresyl violet. Morphometric methods were used in the work. As a result of the conducted studies it was revealed that intensive cytoarchitectonic development of cortical formations is observed in the first two years of life. In the first years of life, active formation of fibrous structures is noted, as well as growth of neurons in various cytoarchitectonic layers. The established patterns of brain development in postnatal ontogenesis are important for the implementation of pedagogical studies and educational activities during postnatal ontogenesis.

Key words: human brain, cortical formations, postnatal ontogenesis.

Morphodynamic system of Konstantinovsky submarine canyon (BLACK SEA)
Yaroslavtsev N.A., Safyanov G.A., Petrov V.A.
Abstract. The analysis of morphodynamics of erosion troughs, which form the system of the underwater canyon Konstantinovsky, including a central channel and two lateral openings, is given on the basis of repeated topobatimetric surveys: the western and the eastern. The connections of the processes taking place in the upper reaches of the canyon with the dynamics of the adjacent pebble beaches are established. Within the upper course of the central channel 450 m wide along the coast, reaching a depth of 10-12 m, the sediment runoff to the depth occurs along the longitudinal grooves developed at the bottom of its central part to depths of 40-50 m and along the sides to 80 m. Accumulation sediments in the upper parts of the channel and the openings of the canyon leads to the extension of the dump of the depths in the sea, the increase in the steepness of its sea edge and, when the critical slope is reached, the accumulated material is displaced by waves and gravity down the thalweg. After this, the sedimentation phase begins again in the upper reaches of the erosion troughs. The speed and volume of accumulation of material in the central channel and lateral holes largely depend on the remoteness of their upper reaches from the shore and the intensity of the long-range transport of sediments caused by the stormy activity of the sea.

Key words: accumulation, brow stall depths, coastal stream sediments, underwater canyon tributaries, ravine tributary, erosion, sediment load, the thalweg, the mouth of the river.

New ideas, approaches
Geoecological areas of the Irkutsk region with the hazardous geomorphological processes as complex geomorphosystems for nature use risk assessment
Kuzmin S.B.
Abstract. In the article, an assessment of the structure or spectrum of dangerous geomorphological processes has been carried out on the basis of previously allocated geoecological areas of the Irkutsk region. The relationships between the dangerous geomorphological processes in the geoecological areas, as well as their various types, are determined. The spatial distribution of the main hazardous geomorphological processes in geoecological areas is considered. A synergetic geomorphic system of the development of dangerous geomorphological processes in geoecological areas as complex dissipative open nonlinear systems is created.

Keywords: geomorphic systems, dangerous geomorphological processes, geoecological zoning, Irkutsk region.

Debatable aspects
Smirnov V. L.
Abstract. The paper attempts to specify the contents of the level of symmetry principles introduced by E. Wigner. Analytic expressions are proposed to unite three levels of the hierarchy: the system - the sub-system - the extreme, which allows us to consider diverse systems of relationships of various scales as a construction having common connections. The simulations is made based on the previously proposed proto-structure which is represented on the numerical axis and is understood as a tool for analyzing self-organization processes (transition from one type of order to another one). In a system, the allowed states are formed with the help of a proto-structure and form separate levels. The most significant of them is the level of the order parameter. The connections between the positions of the order parameter and its subordinate characteristics, as identified for the system, extend over the subsystem and the extreme using scale factors that are constructed on the basis of structural considerations.
The established connections can be verified through the example of the Solar system on the ecliptic plane. The relative angular momentum serves as the order parameter. Applicability of the identified connections for the planetary system and satellite sub-systems is demonstrated through the reference to the known relative characteristics of the planets and the Sun. In this case, the ratios of the masses of the planets and the sun are considered as scale factors. The hydrogen atom is treated as an extreme when using an additional scale factor represented by the force ratio in the hydrogen atom. The model data is consistent with observable inputs up to a tenth of a percent.

Keywords: self-organization, order parameter, scaling, Solar system, hydrogen atom.

The Complex systems no. 1 (26) 2018

Basic researches
Knyazeva H.N., Ryzhov V.A., Kharlamov A.A.
Annotation. The problems of constructing a world model of a human and of the reconciliation of meanings among members of a small social group in the process of their communication and joint activity are considered in the article from the system-theoretical, neurophysiological, social-psychological and communicative-activity points of view. The key point is how the coherence of meanings in the world models of group members correlates with the coherence of texts representing their subject areas. The world model, as well as the model of a subject area, consists of three components: linguistic and two multimodal (individual and socialized). The world model of each person is a unique construction and, despite some of its similarity to the models that the members of the corresponding social group are building, it requires constant synchronization, which is realized in the process of communication. In addition to the informational mechanism of synchronization according to key concepts of subject areas, there exists an intentional mechanism in the communication process, which is implemented through the personal characteristics of the subjects of communication. The mode of operation of these mechanisms is revealed by using the example of collective activity and the quality of communication literacy. Communication literacy of people, as shown in the article, depends significantly on the linguistic component, i.e. on the ability to work with texts in natural language. This means that each person should be able to write texts of high quality and to work with meanings as well as to understand the meanings contained in texts written by others. This is especially important in the context of widespread distribution of various network structures on IT and telecom platforms, from social and expert networks of “collective intelligence” to instant messaging networks.

Key words: world model, natural language, coherence of meanings, coherence of texts, small social group, self-organization, semantic gap, network structures, networks, participatory sense-making, complex systems, complexity, text, management, observer.

Yaroslavtsev N.A., Safyanov G.A., Petrov V.A.
Annotation. Based on topobatimetric surveys of the coastal strip of the Imeretin lowland, carried out from 1975 to 2016, as well as published data, the analysis of the beach contour and the width of the pebble beach within the interfluve between Mzymta and Psou is analyzed.
The influence of the anthropogenic factor, which manifested itself both in the selection of sediments from the beaches and the riverbed of the river Mzymta, which is the main supplier of beach-forming material ashore, and in construction within the coastal zone of various structures is shown.
The main negative impact on the condition of the beaches was the construction near the mouth of the river Mzymta of the port of Sochi – Imeretinsky, the protective moles of which completely interrupted the alongshore current of beach-forming sediments directed to the south-east to the mouth of the Psou River. A significant impact on the decrease in the width of the beach on the stretch of coast east of the port was provided by the construction in 2009 – 2013 of the embankment and wave-extinguishing structures with a stubborn belt located almost in the middle of the previously existing pebble beach. Dumping of gravel material both on the beach, left before the stubborn belt, and on the underwater slope, proved to be ineffective, due to the withdrawal of sediments under the influence of waves along the coast and into the underwater canyons.
Flushing of the beaches before the erected bank protection structures, caused by the interrupted coastal molehills of the port along the coastal flow of sediments, led to water overflow during storms through the embankment parapet and partial flooding of the Olympic facilities, as well as to the destruction of the most bank-protecting structure. These consequences required additional measures to protect not only the coast, but also the coast protection structures themselves, which were realized in the construction of wave breaking stone berms.
By the beginning of 2017, there is no beach on the stretch of 810 m along the stone berme erected at the steep belt, and the boundary of its erosion spread to 1260 m from the port and reached the top of the Konstantinovsky cape. Beyond the cape and further to the east, the pebble beach is still preserved and its width changes, increasing as it approaches the mouth of the Psou River.

Key words. Accumulation, coast protecting structure, coastal stream sediments, underwater canyon, sediments, tributary, beach, material forming the beach, erosion, sediment load, width of  beach.

New ideas, approaches
Sanochkin V. V.
Abstract. On the basis of the feedback definition it is proved that the feedbacks operate in all processes, without exception. Also it is shown that a neutral feedback is the necessary alternative to the positive and negative feedbacks. The neutral feedback maintains a neutral equilibrium and additivity over the time of the controlled parameters. In the case of movement of the material objects a neutral feedback provides action of the law of momentum conservation.
Keywords: system, process, feedback, classification.
Startsev V.V.
Abstract. Relation between the elements of the system has been studied. To determine the minimum level of the hierarchy of the system. Refined definitions of the basic terms of systemology are presented.

Key words. Systems, subsystems, elements, systemology, quantum mechanics.

The Complex systems no. 1 (26) 2018

Basic researches
Knyazeva H.N., Ryzhov V.A., Kharlamov A.A.
Annotation. The problems of constructing a world model of a human and of the reconciliation of meanings among members of a small social group in the process of their communication and joint activity are considered in the article from the system-theoretical, neurophysiological, social-psychological and communicative-activity points of view. The key point is how the coherence of meanings in the world models of group members correlates with the coherence of texts representing their subject areas. The world model, as well as the model of a subject area, consists of three components: linguistic and two multimodal (individual and socialized). The world model of each person is a unique construction and, despite some of its similarity to the models that the members of the corresponding social group are building, it requires constant synchronization, which is realized in the process of communication. In addition to the informational mechanism of synchronization according to key concepts of subject areas, there exists an intentional mechanism in the communication process, which is implemented through the personal characteristics of the subjects of communication. The mode of operation of these mechanisms is revealed by using the example of collective activity and the quality of communication literacy. Communication literacy of people, as shown in the article, depends significantly on the linguistic component, i.e. on the ability to work with texts in natural language. This means that each person should be able to write texts of high quality and to work with meanings as well as to understand the meanings contained in texts written by others. This is especially important in the context of widespread distribution of various network structures on IT and telecom platforms, from social and expert networks of “collective intelligence” to instant messaging networks.

Key words: world model, natural language, coherence of meanings, coherence of texts, small social group, self-organization, semantic gap, network structures, networks, participatory sense-making, complex systems, complexity, text, management, observer.

Yaroslavtsev N.A., Safyanov G.A., Petrov V.A.
Annotation. Based on topobatimetric surveys of the coastal strip of the Imeretin lowland, carried out from 1975 to 2016, as well as published data, the analysis of the beach contour and the width of the pebble beach within the interfluve between Mzymta and Psou is analyzed.
The influence of the anthropogenic factor, which manifested itself both in the selection of sediments from the beaches and the riverbed of the river Mzymta, which is the main supplier of beach-forming material ashore, and in construction within the coastal zone of various structures is shown.
The main negative impact on the condition of the beaches was the construction near the mouth of the river Mzymta of the port of Sochi – Imeretinsky, the protective moles of which completely interrupted the alongshore current of beach-forming sediments directed to the south-east to the mouth of the Psou River. A significant impact on the decrease in the width of the beach on the stretch of coast east of the port was provided by the construction in 2009 – 2013 of the embankment and wave-extinguishing structures with a stubborn belt located almost in the middle of the previously existing pebble beach. Dumping of gravel material both on the beach, left before the stubborn belt, and on the underwater slope, proved to be ineffective, due to the withdrawal of sediments under the influence of waves along the coast and into the underwater canyons.
Flushing of the beaches before the erected bank protection structures, caused by the interrupted coastal molehills of the port along the coastal flow of sediments, led to water overflow during storms through the embankment parapet and partial flooding of the Olympic facilities, as well as to the destruction of the most bank-protecting structure. These consequences required additional measures to protect not only the coast, but also the coast protection structures themselves, which were realized in the construction of wave breaking stone berms.
By the beginning of 2017, there is no beach on the stretch of 810 m along the stone berme erected at the steep belt, and the boundary of its erosion spread to 1260 m from the port and reached the top of the Konstantinovsky cape. Beyond the cape and further to the east, the pebble beach is still preserved and its width changes, increasing as it approaches the mouth of the Psou River.

Key words. Accumulation, coast protecting structure, coastal stream sediments, underwater canyon, sediments, tributary, beach, material forming the beach, erosion, sediment load,width of  beach.

New ideas, approaches
Sanochkin V. V.
Abstract. On the basis of the feedback definition it is proved that the feedbacks operate in all processes, without exception. Also it is shown that a neutral feedback is the necessary alternative to the positive and negative feedbacks. The neutral feedback maintains a neutral equilibrium and additivity over the time of the controlled parameters. In the case of movement of the material objects a neutral feedback provides action of the law of momentum conservation.

Keywords: system, process, feedback, classification.

Startsev V.V.
Abstract. Relation between the elements of the system has been studied. To determine the minimum level of the hierarchy of the system. Refined definitions of the basic terms of systemology are presented.

Key words. Systems, subsystems, elements, systemology, quantum mechanics.

The Complex systems no. 1 (26) 2017

Basic researches
Kurkina E.S., Knyazeva H.N.
Abstract. Evolution of society from the standpoint of formation and development of various types of structural relationships (hierarchical, market and network ones) is considered in the article. To describe all the variety of structural is simply not conceivable, but it is very useful to study them using concepts such as equality or inequality, freedom or compulsion, partnership or submission, independence or cooperation, stability or instability, mobility, adaptability, etc. Such a conceptual analysis provides us with a deeper understanding of the evolution of society and the historical moment we are experiencing now.

Key words: social evolution, blow-up regime, hierarchical structures, market structures, network structures, networks, complexity, demographic transition, network revolution.

Smulsky J.J.
Abstract. The influence of space on the Earth is systematized. Atmospheric circulation, cyclones and anticyclones are caused by the spherical shape of the Earth and its rotation. The Sun creates orbital motion of the Earth and irradiates it, and the streams of its substance create variations in weather and climate. The Moon, together with the Sun, creates tidal phenomena in the atmosphere and the ocean, variations in the obliquity of the Earth's axis, and climate fluctuations with tens thousands years periods. The evolution of the Earth’s orbit is occurred under planets impact. Due to the influence of the planets, the Sun revolves around the center of mass of the Solar system, as a result, there are variations in the solar corpuscular radiation that create variations in weather and climate. The variations of the Sun's insolation of the Earth, including polar days and nights in the modern era, as well as in the cold and warm epochs, are considered in more detail.

Key words: Space, impact, Earth, cyclones, anticyclones, weather, climate, polar days and nights.

New ideas, approaches
Smirnov V.L.
Abstract. The key idea of the paper is to assert that the 1/137 ratio known from physical experiments as a fine-structure constant results from the evolution of a range components characteristic for complex structures of various natures. The structure here is understood as the aggregate of relations represented on the number axis and capable of evolution, i.e. stage-by-stage deployment. The paper considers an evolutionary branch of the previously proposed proto-structure - a cyclic and primal system of relations where specifics of natural objects is eliminated. It is shown that interaction of certain allowed states causes them to split and shift forming a specific order variant. The result corresponds to a symmetrical plan where the bases, i.e. positions on the number axis define the splittances and at the same time the bases define the splittances. The 1/137 ration is one of the characteristics of the structural configuration obtained. Invariant formation is traced starting from the golden section. An analytical expression is given which does not deviate from the measured fine structure constant within 2 * 10-6%. It is suggested that the obtained invariant characterizes the prehistory and represents the initial position of the ratio that is known now.

Keyword: complex systems, fine-structure constant, evolution, self-organization, golden ratio.

Smirnov V.L.
Abstract. The paper analyzes changes that occur in the allowed states of a complex self-organized system if its cyclic organization ceases existence. The range of such allowed states is generated by the proto-structure, i.e. a cyclic system of relations primal for objects of various natures. It is shown on the number axis and reflects stage-by-stage evolution of the system. In particular, the proto-structure forms the order parameter that is hierarchically the most important characteristic of the system. The analyzed range is represented by two elements that were split at the previous evolution stage and are liked by some set of rules. The paper considers scenarios guiding how previous range positions are transformed into new ones. The key idea is to keep the form of the existing rules while changing their content. Consistent compliance with the rules leads to the formation of a sub-system in the form of a satellite near an element of the range. All positions obtained represent the order parameter of the system. The satellite is included in the system using scaling factors. The paper applies the model to analyze evolution of two elements on the ecliptic plane of the Solar system where the relative angular momentum acts as the order parameter. The formation of space-time characteristics of Venus, Earth and the Moon are considered. The model corresponds to the observed data in the range of about 0.1%.

Keywords: order parameter, self-organization, evolution, Moon, Venus, Earth.

Experiments, opening, practice
Kholoptsev A.V.
Abstract. The values of the total duration of the existence of anticyclones, which in summer are formed over different regions of Russia located on its European Territory were estimated  for the period 1899-2016, using the approach to the typification of macrocirculatory processes in the Northern Hemisphere, which  proposed by B.L. Dzerdzeevsky.
The changes in this period of the statistical connection`s strength of the variations of this indicator that correspond to each of these regions, with changes in such characteristics of the climate of the hemisphere, as the average temperature of its surface, as well as the indices of the Atlantic multi-decadal oscillations and the Pacific decadal oscillations have been studied. The connections, which identified, have statistical stability to the time shifts of the simulated process and its predictors, which allows them to be effectively used in problems of modeling the changes of the characteristics considered and their prediction was established.

Key words: Anticyclone, elementary circulation mechanism, regions of Russia, links, total duration, climatic indices.

The Complex systems no. 3 (24) 2017

Basic researches
Bogolepova I.N., Malofeeva L.I. , Agapov P.A.
Abstract. On the series of frontal total cuts of 20 μm thick, colored with crosyl violet by the Nissl method, cytoarchitectonics of the cerebral cortex 44 of the motor-speech zone of the brain of the world famous scientist-inventor and brain of men of the corresponding age (10 hemispheres) was studied. Modern morphometric methods have been studied: the thickness of the cortex area 44, the area of the profile field of pyramidal neurons of the associative layer III, the density of nerve cells and glia in it, and the neuronal composition of this layer is determined.
As a result of the study, it was established that the area 44 of the speech motor zone of the cerebral cortex of a gifted scientist-inventor, compared with ordinary men of the corresponding age, is characterized by a statistically significantly larger cortex area 44, more large pyramidal neurons in cytoarchitectonic layer III, greater percentage of large neurons, more dense location of neurons and glia.

Key words: brain, talented, scientist, men, cytoarchitectonics, cortex, motor-speech zone, area 44, density, neuron, glia.

Polishchuk R.F.
Abstract. The notion of the dimensionless gravitational charge of any mass is given. Decay of the gravitation constant on 41 order gives the growing of the curvature radius on 41 order of the de Sitter vacuum from  to  and change of vacuum density from the Planckian value to the critical one. Hypothesis of friedmons as dark matter particles is proposed. Friedmons are stable particles with mass as billion masses of nucleons.
This work is made in frame of the Program of the Russian Academy of Sciences P7 “The experimental  and theoretical investigations of the Solar system objects and the planetary star systems. Transient and explosive processes in the astrophysics”.

Key words: dual symmetries, dark matter, friedmons, dissociation of vacuum.

New ideas, approaches
Magnitskii N.A.
Abstract. In the work, proceeding from the equations of compressible oscillating ether, deduced from laws of classical mechanics, ethereal mathematical models of nucleus and atoms of chemical elements of the first and second periods of the Mendeleyev’s periodic table, including nucleus of many isotopes are constructed. The formulas for their internal energies, masses, magnetic moments and binding energies are derived, the numerical values of which coincide, with an accuracy of tenths of a percent, with the "anomalous" values, which are in no way understandable from the point of view of modern physical science. In the absence of relativistic effects and the orbital motion of electrons in the ether model, formulas were obtained for calculating the radii of atoms, and the physical and chemical essence of the periodic law was clarified.

Key words: ether equations, atom, atomic nucleus, binding energy, ionization energy, magnetic moment, atom radius, degree of oxidation, periodic law.

Kovalev V.A., Kovalev I.V.
Abstract. Accelerated scenarios (super exponential, with a decrease of temporary scale) the evolution of the system investigated on the basis of the decision of nonlinear differential equation.
A two − step scenario allows to explain the behavior of natural, technological and social systems.

Key words: nonlinear equation, the source, dissipation, instability, two-stage evolution, blow-up regime, singularity, alternative, solar flare, potential, management.

Debatable aspects
SYSTEM psycho-physiology and psycho-physiological problem
Bogatykh B.A.
Abstract. Key questions of system psychophysiology in the solution of a psychophysiological problem (interconditionality of the corporal and mental person and animals) within a synergetic (post-nonclassical) stage of knowledge, the concept of fractals, fractality of the channels which nature will be answered by Plykin's strange (fractal) attractor are considered. It is supposed that through its nature will be implemented the mental processes reflecting a complete organism and its behavioural acts, both whole, and the neurophysiological processes which are carried out at the level of separate elements, actually comparable through information system processes.

Key words: system psycho-physiology; psycho-physiological problem; fractal geometry; fractal channels; strange attractors.

The Complex systems no. 2 (23) 2017

Basic researches
Smirnov V.L.
Abstract. The paper considers the formation of positions in a section of the number axis which, with proper interpretation, enables to discuss the space-time structure of the inner sun on the ecliptic plane. The section has its boundaries and is filled with nodes, i.e. the allowed states formed in the evolution of the proto-structure being a cyclic system of relations, which, presumably, is common for objects of different nature. As its integral part, it comprises a criterion, i.e. a group of nodes repeating in cycles and filling the number axis. Within the study area criterion acts on itself: with its participation in the blank axis intervals, which are located between the test sites, new authorized status. Within the section under consideration, the criterion is acting on its own: it affects formation of new allowed states in the empty axis intervals between the criterion nodes. The set of nodes obtained is regarded as a spectrum of the system’s order parameter. When applied, the relative angular momentum in the Solar system is treated as its order parameter; it specifies the distances and rotation periods for the layers. The peculiarity of the proposed model of the inner Sun is a stratified rapidly rotating nucleus located just below the surface. It is pierced with a system of significant holes yet also has areas where the distribution of the layers is nearly unbroken. The structural and physical data (except for Solar gravitational radius) match within ~ 1%.

Keywords: complex systems, evolutions, self-organization, order parameter, golden section, inner sun.

Nikitin E.D.
Abstract. It is demonstrated that one of the important reasons of acuteness of ecological problems on different levels is low involvement of achievements in pedology as fundamental interdisciplinary science with different applied sections in general eath science. Especially actual is teaching on global and biogeocenosis soil functions. Necessity of elaboration and introduction of integrated system of soil protection measures is provided. One of the central places in them is preservation and restoration of natural soils – ecological skeleton of geographical zones.

Key words: soil, civilization, pedology, nature protection, geobionoosphere, harmonizing development.

New ideas, approaches
Yaroslavtsev N.A., Safyanov G.A., Petrov V.A.
Abstract. On the basis of repeated the bathymetric surveys is made the analysis of the morphodynamics of the erosive hollows which are forming system of a canyon New, including the central bed and two side western ravine tributaries. A condition of dynamics of pebbly beaches with the processes proceeding in upper courses of the central bed and the ravine tributary  of a canyon New which on lithodynamic communication with a coastal zone can be carried to the lateral type receiving deposits at their alongshore movement is shown. Grain size material can get to the central bed and ravine tributary only at storm in which depth of a collapse of waves is more than depth in their upper courses which repeatability is not considerable. The longitudinal erosive furrows which are trasses of movement towards the sea of the deposits getting to a canyon bed during storm are at the bottom widespread in an upper of the central bed. Accumulation of deposits in upper of a bed and the ravine tributary of a canyon leads to promotion of a brow of a slope of depths in the sea, to increase in the steepness of her sea edge and at achievement of critical value of a bias, to the shift of the collected material down thalwegs on more low levels under the influence of waves and a gravitational factor. After that again the sedimentation phase in upper courses of erosive hollows begins. Speed of accumulation of deposits in the central bed and side ravine tributary in many respects depends on the intensity of their alongshore movement caused by storm activity of the sea, and remoteness of upper courses of a canyon from the coast.

Keywords: Accumulation, brow stall depths, coastal stream sediments, underwater canyon tributaries, ravine tributary, erosion, sediment load, the thalweg, the mouth of the river.

The Complex systems no. 1 (22) 2017

Basic researches
Golichenkov V.A., Vsevolodov E.B., Burlakova O.V., Doronin Yu.K.
Abstract.  Two ways of individual development were defined as regulative and mosaic. The first one is supposed to arise on the base of palintomic divisions of maternal single cell while the second one is supposed to be based on the cellularization of polynuclear complicated cell of some advanced protozoa. The increase of complexity in the first way arises in the course of early development as cells number grows up and reaches “critical mass” providing the cell relations diversity and generating differential nuclear activity. In the second way of development some parts of maternal cell cytoplasm are specialized before the time when the similar nuclei progeny of zygote nucleus penetrate into them. So both ways of multicellularity creation lead to differentiation cytologically homological specialized cells of multicellular organism. The mosaic way is evolutionally correlated with organism’s miniaturization, organism building by less cells number, increased speed of physiologic reactions, and essential contribution of cell dimensions to body dimentions. Regulative way leads in the course of evolution to gigantism, to increased dimension of the organism achieved by higher number of approximally usual size cells, to more retarded physiological processes, to more prolonged ontogenesis and appearing of noticeable postreproductive period (senescence). Such polarized ways of ontogenesis organization do not exist in pure state but basing on the universal cellular mechanisms and being present in different proportion at the different stages secure all the diversity of individual development variants met in the nature.

Key words: ontogenesis, mozaicism, regulative development, cell, evolution.

Kholoptsev A.V., Kononova N.K.
Abstract. The areas  of different sectors of the Arctic, where the changing of its ice cover at winter months , and interannual variations of total duration  periods elementary circulation mechanisms, that are blocking in other sectors of the Northern Hemisphere, are interconnected significantly and statistically sustained,  is identified.

Key words: Arctic, ice cover, teleconnections, Arctic bloking, elementary circulation mechanisms, repeatability, teleconnections, synoptic situation, Arctic anticyclone.

New ideas, approaches
Vysikaylo Ph.I.
Abstract. The review deals with the description of a complex synergistic behavior of the polarized or the space charge of nanoparticles and the methods to manipulate them, as well as the problems of the integration of nanoparticles in different systems and the effective functioning of such systems in new nanostructured composite materials with a number of new properties due to quantum size effects, previously opened by the author. In the first part the author is made a historical overview of the development of quantum mechanics and its mathematical models and spectroscopy as the main base of the experimental evidence, and stimulating the development of quantum mechanics. We have identified a number of problems between the de Broglie’s hypothesis and the Dirac’s classical quantum mechanics, limiting the ψ-function everywhere. The author decided to these problems with the help of the cumulative quantum mechanics and the geometric regularization of the unlimited ψn-½-functions. Based on the review of a number of classical works we have formulated the basis of the method of generalized mathematical transposition (MGMT), we have discussed the new discoveries and the new results due to the use of this method.

Keywords: nanophysics, nanochemistry and nanomathematics, nanostructured composite materials, the cumulative quantum mechanics, the method of generalized mathematical transposition.

Experiments, opening, practice
Smirnov V.L.
Abstract. The paper suggests a single scheme for position interaction on the number axis, which can be applied to explain the formation of the epochs of maximum and minimum within an 11-year cycle of solar activity. The analysis is based on the frameword of the complex formed through the interaction of two proto-structure cycles is analyzed. The proto-structure is understood as a system of relations common for objects of various nature. The framework comprises steady parts and parts on which various kinds of instability are formed. The paper analyzes a variant of instability which is understood as the basic one. Certain positions obtained are interpreted as a spectrum of allowed states for the system order parameter; other items act as centers of symmetry. When applied, the order parameter is regarded as a relative angular momentum. The scheme allows us to consider details of the evolution of the space-time structure of a hidden 11-year solar activity cycle. The model results are consistent with the observational data within the average limit of 1.4%. The meanings of Wolf numbers are discussed.

Keywords: self organization, instability, order parameter, evolution, solar activity cycles, epoch of maximum, epoch of minimum.

Smirnov V.L.
Abstract. The paper suggests a single scheme for position interaction on the number axis, which can be applied to explain the formation of long solar cycles (up to ~ 390 thousand years) and the asteroid belt the Solar System. The framework of a complex formed through the interaction of two proto-structure cycles is analyzed. The proto-structure is understood as a system of relations common for objects of various nature. The framework comprises steady parts and parts on which various kinds of instability are formed. Variants of instability in different parts of the framework are considered. Certain positions obtained are interpreted as a spectrum of allowed states for the system order parameter; other items act as centers of symmetry. When applied, the order parameter is regarded as a relative angular momentum, allowing us to discuss the space-time structure of the above-mentioned parts of the Solar System in the ecliptic plane. The model results are consistent with the observations in the range of 1-4%.

Keywords: self-organization, complex systems, order parameter, evolution, solar activity cycles, asteroid belt.